辐射3控制台秘籍 附辐射3物品代码大全

时间:2013-06-27 16:28:04 来源:当游网 作者:当游网 编辑:cxx 字体大小:

  Action Boy                        00031D90
  Action Girl                        0007B200
  Adv. Rad Poison.                    00032DEF
  Agility Boost                        000630F1
  Alcohol Withdrawal                    0006AA60
  Ant Senses                        000C2527
  Ant Strength                        000C2526
  Atomization                        0005B141
  Average Water                        00000147
  Bad Water                        00045656
  Barkskin                        0006F590
  Barter Boost                        000630F3
  Better Rivet City Prices                0006F592
  Big Guns Boost                        000630F4
  Bloody Mess                        00077641
  Bloody Mess                        00079AE3
  Buffout Withdrawal                    00033066
  Burning Explosion                    000A73D7
  BurningNormal                        00060C12
  BurningNormalSkin                    00061DE1
  Charisma Boost                        000630E8
  Concussion                        0006533A
  Crit. Rad Poison.                    00032DED
  Cyborg                            00031D8D
  Daddys Boy (1)                        0004494B
  Daddys Boy (2)                        0004494C
  Daddys Boy (3)                        0004494D
  Daddys Girl (1)                    00077789
  Daddys Girl (2)                    0007778A
  Daddys Girl (3)                    0007778B
  Deadly Rad Poison.                    00032DF0
  Disintegration                        000BDA30
  Disintegration                        0005C6C3
  EMP Disable                        0005B148
  Enclave Eyebot Broadcast                0003E616
  Endurance Boost                        000630E7
  Energy Weapons Boost                    000630F5
  Explosives Boost                    000630F6
  Fatal Rad Poison.                    000448E2
  Finesse (1)                        00094EC0
  Galaxy News Broadcast Effect                000C0548
  Good Luck                        000C34D1
  Good Water                        00020517
  Gooification                        00092C48
  Gun Nut (1)                        0004494F
  Gun Nut (2)                        00044950
  Gun Nut (3)                        00044951
  Head Crippled                        00067572
  Immune to Fire                        000B7CC9
  Immune to Radiation                    00060C16
  Imolation                        00044AF6
  Impartial Mediation                    00044CA3
  Improved Barter                        000A5F23
  Improved Barter                        000A5F21
  Improved Medicine                    000A5F1E
  Improved Medicine                    000A5F24
  Improved Repair                        000A5F20
  Improved Repair                        000A5F25
  Improved Science                    000A5F1F
  Improved Science                    000A5F26
  Improved Speech                        000A5F22
  Improved Speech                        000A5F27
  Intelligence Boost                    000630F0
  Iron Fist (1)                        00031DA0
  Iron Fist (2)                        00031DA1
  Iron Fist (3)                        00031DA2
  Jet Withdrawal                        00033067
  Kamikaze                        00094EC3
  Lethal Water                        00020D76
  Life Giver (1)                        00031D88
  Life Giver (2)                        00031D8A
  Life Giver (3)                        00031D8B
  Little Leaguer (1)                    00031D9F
  Little Leaguer (2)                    00044949
  Little Leaguer (3)                    0004494A
  Lockpick Boost                        000630F8
  Luck Boost                        000630F2
  Med-X Withdrawal                    0002AE29
  Medicine Boost                        000630F9
  Melee Weapons Boost                    000630FA
  Mentats Withdrawal                    00033063
  Mesmetron Migraine                    0001E004
  Minor Rad Poison.                    00032DEE
  More Burning                        0001DEA8
  Nectar Withdrawal                    0005E2AD
  Nerd Rage!                        00044CA4
  Night Person                        00094EBE
  Ninja                            0007B201
  Paralyzing Palm                        0006B20B
  Perception Boost                    000630E6
  Poison                            0004D844
  Poison                            0004D843
  Poison                            0006B20E
  Poison Immunity                        0007D4F3
  Psycho Withdrawal                    00033064
  Purified Water                        000B878F
  Qtm. Cola Withdrawal                    0009ADE7
  Rad Poisoning                        0009ADE8
  Rad Resistance                        00031D85
  Rad. Limb Healing                    0006F5A2
  Radiation Burst                        0006191A
  Radiation Healing                    000617BE
  Radiation Resistance                    000617BD
  Radiation Resistance                    0006E770
  Repair Boost                        000630FB
  Sawbones Precision                    000BD074
  Science Boost                        000630FC
  Scoundrel (1)                        00044CA5
  Scoundrel (2)                        00044CA1
  Scoundrel (3)                        00044CA2
  Sharpshooter                        0005C6B9
  Silent Running                        00031D8C
  Size Matters (1)                    0009982F
  Size Matters (2)                    00099830
  Size Matters (3)                    00099831
  Sly Wasteland Survival Assistant            0006F59E
  Sly Wasteland Survival Expert                0006F599
  Sly Wasteland Survival Guru                0006F594
  Small Guns Boost                    000630FD
  Smart Wasteland Survival Assistant            0006F5A0
  Smart Wasteland Survival Expert                0006F59B
  Smart Wasteland Survival Guru                0006F596
  Sneak Boost                        000630FE
  Snide Wasteland Survival Assistant            0006F59D
  Snide Wasteland Survival Expert                0006F598
  Snide Wasteland Survival Guru                0006F593
  Solar Powered                        00031D94
  Speech Boost                        000630FF
  Stealth Boy Invis Spell                    0007E474
  Stealth Shield                        0008AF5C
  Strength Boost                        000630E5
  Suit Med-X                        0006CABE
  Terrible Water                        00020D77
  Thief (1)                        00031D92
  Thief (2)                        00031D95
  Thief (3)                        00031D9B
  Tough Wasteland Survival Assistant            0006F59F
  Tough Wasteland Survival Expert                0006F59A
  Tough Wasteland Survival Guru                0006F595
  Toughness                        00031D7D
  Ultrajet Withdrawal                    000C9CF5
  Unarmed Boost                        00063100
  Wasteland Survival Assistant                0006F5A1
  Wasteland Survival Expert                0006F59C
  Wasteland Survival Guru                    0006F597
  WaterBreathing                        0005876C
  Well Rested                        00062696
  Well Rested                        00062697



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游戏类型: 休闲益智
游戏语言: 简体中文
国家地区: 大陆
发行时间: 2002-00-00
整理时间: 2013-01-24



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